Educational Resources
IAH encourages worldwide application of hydrogeological skills through education and technology transfer programs. Similarly, a primary objective of the KazNC is to promote research, education, communication, and training in groundwater science.
This page provides brief descriptions of sites that offer information that would be of direct interest to IAH members or would be of interest for their use in helping to advance others’ understanding of the proper management and protection of groundwater for the common good throughout the world.
Water Resources Collections and Archives
The Water Resources Collections and Archives is a unique library that collects contemporary and historic materials on all aspects of water resources. This collection was formerly named the Water Resources Center Archives, located at University of California Berkeley. The new WRCA is a collaboration of the University of California, Riverside and California State University, San Bernardino Libraries. More information on the WRCA is available at:
The California Colloquium on Water was a popular, decade-long series of lectures previously hosted at UC Berkeley. Scholars of distinction in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, law and environmental design presented monthly lectures. These lectures are designed to increase the understanding and appreciation among students, faculty and the general public of water resources and to contribute to informed decisions about water in California.
Below is a list of example past lectures. Additional lectures are available at: Most lectures are available for loan on DVD. Streaming video, PowerPoint, and other electronic visual aids are provided below, when available.